First of all, a few words from Officiating Principal Dawa Gyeltshen:
Hope 108 initiative has brought many positive changes in children, physically and emotionally. It has brought bright smiles on the faces of those children. It has given inner strengths, confidence, and emotional support to raise their head equally with other children, participate in activities, and interact with them without any hesitation.
The financial support received has not only helped them in getting necessary school materials, it has also motivated and encouraged them to put extra interest in academic learning and co-curricular activities.
Teachers have observed the children as inspired learners with positive behavioural change. They have also seen that the academic performance, attendance, and rate of participation in classroom and co-curricular activities of the children has improved dramatically after receiving the support.
We may be different by boundary, race, colour, taste, and the language that we speak but a willing heart is never bound by differences.
Thank you so much.
'Namay Samay Kadrin Che' (Thank you beyond the sky and the Earth)
Dawa Gyeltshen, Sangbaykha Primary School, Haa, Bhutan